A Capture The Flag (CTF)
Cybersecurity Challenge

Playing games is not only entertaining, but can also be a great way to build and reinforce new skills. CTFs are a kind of computer security competition. Individuals are pitted against each other in a test of computer security skill. By combining hands-on learning and a little friendly competition, CTFs provide an engaging way to educate users about the latest security features and threats. During a CTF, you can hack vulnerable web applications to learn how security exploits work.

A person dressed like a racoon climbs a mountain while holding a Salesforce flag

Application Security Training

As a Salesforce engineer, you receive in-depth application security training, including this CTF. By giving you experience with how you can exploit application vulnerabilities, you will learn how to write defensively to build secure Salesforce product code. You will also be presented with challenges that include vulnerable Salesforce code that you will need to fix.

A bear wears sunglasses, a black trenchcoat, and a tie, with his collar popped

Getting Started

At the beginning of this training, you will receive a set of custom applications. We challenge you to find and exploit the security vulnerabilities of those applications. You will be able to see points on the scoreboard, providing some additional incentive to this friendly competition. You will compete against your class, and at the end, we will recognize the winners.

A bobcat emerges from a phone booth wearing a superhero outfit with the Salesforce cloud on the chest

During the Game

During the game, you will learn more about Salesforce security through:

  • Questions designed to drive independent research
  • Purposefully vulnerable Salesforce modules where you have to find and fix security bugs in code
  • A purposefully vulnerable web application where you can find and exploit security vulnerabilities

You will learn how to exploit application vulnerabilities, just like attackers. Afterwards, you will be able to take the knowledge and skills from the game with you as you write new Salesforce code and features.