
Playing games is not only entertaining, but can also be a great way to build and reinforce new skills. During CTFs, individuals are pitted against each other in a test of computer security skill. By combining hands-on learning and a little friendly competition, CTFs provide an engaging way to educate users about the latest security features and threats.

Salesforce engineers.

By giving you experience with how you can exploit application vulnerabilities, you will learn how to write defensively to build secure Salesforce product code.

Go to the Get Started tab for detailed instructions on how to register and start playing.

After you register, we will create an insecure web application and a Salesforce trial org with insecure code in it for you. Go to the Get Started tab for detailed instructions on how to register and start playing.

You can reset your password through the account verification email that you got from Salesforce support. Click on the Verify Account button, this will let you set a password and security question for the Salesforce org that we created for you.

Log in to your new Salesforce account by navigating to https://login.salesforce.com, using the automatically generated username from the welcome email. Do not register a recovery phone number.

Reach out to support staff via the Slack channel in which you were originally notified about the CTF, if you don't get an email within 45 minutes after you finish the registration process.

Once you verify your trial org login, you can use that org to solve the “Salesforce” category of challenges.

Check with your program admin on what is required and what is optional.

Got to the Scoreboard tab to check out every participant's score.

Check with your program admin for more information.

Check with your program admin for more information.